Robotics PhD at University of Michigan interested in space, robotics, controls, and optimization.
I'm an NSF Graduate Research Fellow and a member of the DASC Lab and the CORE Lab at UM.
I was Park Scholar at NCSU, where I received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics.
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Persistent Path Planning - An implementation of a persistent path-planning algorithm that served as the initial step for my research work.
Computer-Vision Aided Robotics - Walkthrough of computer vision systems developed for use on FRC 6908’s 2020 Robot: Cookie Monster.
COVID-19 Analysis (Duke Datathon) - A paper analyzing the economic impact of COVID-19 using data analytics and data visualization techniques. Code and paper submitted as part of the 2020 Duke Datathon.
Puzzles - A collection of solutions to various coding puzzles I have solved including Advent of Code and ACSL.
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